Enrich all company profiles in HubSpot with up to 22 data points—for free.

HubSpot Insights is gone. Meet your free (and better) replacement.

No coding. No credit card required. It’s 100% free ! 

Sales and marketing teams need accurate, detailed data to effectively score and route leads.

Why choose Enrich CRM over HubSpot Insights?

More Accurate Data

Live, Richer Data—Always Free

Trusted by teams at:

“In our business, decision makers usually change company every 2 years. This is both a risk of churn and the opportunity to land a new logo ! 

In the first month of using Enrich-CRM, we have generated almost €300,000 in new pipeline from job change alerts and saved several accounts from churning.”  

Ben Cauchois

Head of Sales @Seiza

“Breaking into large account is very complex. Enrich-CRM helped us identify who in our clients previously worked at Total and we leveraged this information to get introductions with the right stakeholders.

Implementing Enrich-CRM is the easiest and smartest growth hack of the year. It’s x10 ROI !”

Hugues Peuchot

Co-founder @Skillup

“In our activity, the nomination of a new top or middle manager is the signal for more hiring to come.

We tested several solutions and weren’t really satisfied because of false positive and delays between nominations and alerts. 

Today, Enrich CRM is responsible for 17% of our 1st deals.”

Henri de Lorgeril

CEO @Avizio

Enrich-CRM: The Real-Time Enrichment Solution HubSpot Should’ve Built

Your Free, Real-Time Enrichment Solution for HubSpot

Why Choose Enrich CRM?
CAUSE Numbers Don’t Lie !

Skeptical ? 

Give it a try, make yourself your own opinion and get a dollar for each error imputable to Enrich-CRM 

Why Data Quality Is Your CRM’s Secret Weapon

Poor CRM data isn’t just messiness — it’s costing you revenue. Here’s why quality matters:

💀Missed Opportunities:

Bad Data = Broken Insights, missed leads, wrong contacts, dead-end deals.

Example: Did your CRM miss that their champion left? Renewal’s dead.

💀Wasted Time & Money:

Sales teams waste 62% of their time chasing leads that aren't Tier 1

Example: Outbound sales burns cash. Tier 2 leads = lower win rates & smaller deals vs. Tier 1.

💀Reputation at Risk:

Generic, spammy emails scream ‘We don’t know you.’

Example: Treat decision makers like users? That kills deals. Segment or die.

Start leveraging data to make your CRM work for you instead of you working for it.

🗑️ Garbage In, Garbage Out:

AI/analytics need clean fuel
Dirty data = broken forecasts

Flawed insights cost $$$

🔍 Clean Data, Explosive Results:

↑ 27%+ conversions
↓ 41% acquisition cost

Hyper-personalization drives trust

⏱️ Score Leads, Save Time:

71% less time wasted.
Prioritizes ready-to-buy leads.

Prioritize your inbound, close deals

enrich-crm's clients usecases

have too much inbound ?

Customers like Mindstudio or Lemlist gets hundreds of inbound leads each week (poor them…)

They use Enrich-CRM enrichment to get detailed data so they can score leads and identify the highest potentials out of the ready to buy leads.

It even allow them to shorten forms so they can increase lead conversion asking for just an email (either free or business email)

Well done guys !

Giorgio Barilla

Digital Marketing Consultant


OLD CRM, Outdated data ?

Customers like Éléna, Growth Marketing Manager at LesBigBoss or Ben, Head of Sales at Seiza both have a 15 years old CRM with hundreds of thousands of contacts and companies. At some point you can’t work anymore when your CRM is polluted with contacts out of your personas and companies out of your TAM.

This kind of cleaning is mandatory when your CRM is getting more than 100k contacts

Elena Amir Suppiah

Growth Marketing Manager 


This is the job of Growth team at Cegid and Thomas is leveraging Enrich-CRM to get notified when key users and champions change job and when target companies  hire a key stake holder. 
Every month, he delivers around 500 leads to his team and they get a 2x conversion on those !

Have to deliver leads to 30+ BDRs ?

Thomas Goirand


Our Customers say it better

HubSpot teams relied on the free company enrichment provided by HubSpot Insights.

Enrich-CRM provides live data that is richer than HubSpot Insight and for free

2023 broke the "Predictable Revenue" model and the BDR motion as we know it.

Cold Email doesn't work anymore because inboxes have been ruined by automation tools.

Focus your BDR time on higher-intent prospects by using signals to trigger sales motions.

2023 broke the "Predictable Revenue" model and the BDR motion as we know it.

Cold Email doesn't work anymore because inboxes have been ruined by automation tools.

Focus your BDR time on higher-intent prospects by using signals to trigger sales motions.

Missed Opportunities:
Bad data = missed leads, wrong contacts, dead-end deals.

Example: Missing the departure of your champion from his company puts the renewal at risk.

Cold Email doesn't work anymore because inboxes have been ruined by automation tools.

Focus your BDR time on higher-intent prospects by using signals to trigger sales motions.

The mass outreach playbook is over, it's time for smart and timely outreach

What makes
Enrich-CRM different?

Enrich CRM utilizes advanced proprietary algorithms to crawl the public web for data, assesses a trust score for its usability, standardizes the information, and then integrates it seamlessly into your tools.

The combination of real-time research and advanced algorithms by Enrich CRM results in more outcomes and higher data accuracy compared to leading providers, guaranteeing the provision of precise and timely data.

Instead of fixating on vanity metrics associated with database quantity or size, consider that databases often contain outdated information.

The larger they grow, the more problematic the situation becomes!

If you didn't opt-in to a database, you are opt-out by design. Being sent an email to inform you that you are in the database does not constitute opting-in.

Enrichment solutions reliant on databases are not GDPR compliant by design.

Enrichment fields


Connect to your

favorite tools

Simple, native, customizable integrations and API for advanced needs

Enrich-CRM will create new customer properties for each contact and company and enrich them with...

Thanks to Zapier, integrate Enrich-CRM with more than 7000 apps, including Google Sheets, Slack, or Intercom.

Thanks to Make.com, integrate Enrich-CRM with more than 3000 apps, including Google Sheets, Slack, or...

Frequently asked questions

You can input any one of these combinations. The more data you input, the higher the probability of getting a result.

  • first name + last name + email address
  • first name + last name + company domain
  • first name + last name + company name
  • contact professional email address
  • Linkedin contact URL
  • Linkedin company URL
  • Domain name

Enrich-CRM compares 12 data points, such as domain and company name, to ensure the accurate matching of the right person. The error rate is below 1%.

On average, Enrich-CRM finds 82,32% of contacts and 93,76% of companies.

On a sample of 2032 contacts sent to well known actors such as Apollo, Clearbit, Dropcontact, Lusha, ZoomInfo. Enrich-CRM was having more results and much less errors and false positive.

See details here  : https://enrich-crm.com/enrichment/

Yes ! Enrich-CRM provides 500 free enrichment credits to test the solution. Create a free account to enjoy it ! no credit card required